Thursday 26 January 2012

Initial Idea

Is it true if you are brought up in a broken family then you can not become successful?
The Main types of Families

There are several types of families the most common ones are:
  • The Nuclear Family
     This family consists of a the Mother, Farther and then however many children, this is known as the ideal family there is another term called The Cereal Packet Family this is when the mother is a housewife and the farther goes out and earns the money this is known as the 'perfect' family as this is what is shown on many averts.
  • Extended Family
     This type of family is constructed on top of a Nuclear family. Many generations are living in the same household, for example the Grandparents, Parents and then there Children, this could also include Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.
  • Reconstituted Family
     This is more commonly known as a Step family or blended family, it is when the joining of two adults come together via marriage, civil partnership or cohabitation (when one moves in with another or they live in the same house) It is also the term for when the family has two mothers and no dads and vice verse. (Can also be seen as a Broken Family)
  • Single Parent Family
   This is when a single parent looks after a child/ children more commonly known as a broken family. This could be due to a divorce of the parents, a break up or an unexpected death. Many debates have arose on the rise of the single parent family over the years, and this is involving the child's welfare and the child's future. This is the topic that I am planning on exploring. But I will also be comparing and contrasting to the other family types.

I done this research so i could get a rough knowledge of the other types of backgrounds so i could compare and contrast better.

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