Tuesday 28 February 2012

My Presentation

Above is a presentation that I presented to the class describing: the basics of my documentary, what it is about, why I chose to do this topic and how it relates to me.

Monday 27 February 2012

Music Choice

I have decided that I will want a song that will reflect the mood of the documentary, with its highs and lows. I want it to be acoustic or something easy to listen to so it does not drown out the person speaking or distract the audience from the actual documentary. I'd like it to be motivational in some way or at least fit the feel of the overall documentary.

I have found a few songs that I may use:

Thursday 23 February 2012

Letter of Consent

This is an example of the letter of consent I will be handing to people who take part in my documentary.

What is a Broken home?
I have come to the conclusion a broken home is not a family that only has one parent or if it has a step parent it is a family who has lost the communication and ‘bond’ with each other. I have decided this as my definition as there are many views on what a broken home is and this definition covers a the broad spectrum of the term ‘broken home’.

This is a letter of consent to participate in my media study, involving you as the public and your views and opinions of the following questions:

·       What is your understanding of a survivor? (From a 'broken home')

·       What is your understanding of a victim? (From a 'broken home')

·       What skills do you think you need to survive/-overcome barriers to difficulties both in your personal life and school life?

Gender: Male          Female                   Age:………
(Circle appropriate)                                                    (Optional)


Monday 6 February 2012

Overcoming Barriers

Today to help out with the research and how to create this documentary I went to see Rosa from Learning mentors. We spoke for a while and speaking about my personal experience and with some professional views and opinions notes were taken on how to approach the correct question and what I personally done to overcome those difficulties. These notes were only short but this helped in how to link a various of sub topics, like school life and education, and how to ask the appropriate question.

Notes (these were notes taken on my personal experience and how Rosa viewed me or about what I should be asking)
  • Decision to focus on education as a means on avoiding the responsibilities or home life
  • Not making/ repeating the same mistakes as others around
  • Role model
  • Becoming the adult and taking responsibilities
  • Self awareness
  • Survivor or Victim?
  • Victim= drugs, alcohol, smoking, negative
  • Survivor= got through fine and in control of themselves (may smoke or drink but not excessively), they cried, got angry but they are out of it fine.
  • Other people were priority above myself
  • Learning from others
  • Changing your way of thinking
  • Negative or Positive (is there a link with the survivor/ victim )
  • A survivor is someone who can cope in the face of adversity
  • A victim is somebody who can not cope with the difficulties and turns to something like smoking/ drinking to help them cope
From these notes we developed a series of appropriate (draft) questions to ask the public:

What is your understanding of a survivor? (from a 'broken home')
What is your understanding of a victim? (from a 'broken home')
What skills do you think you need to survive/ overcome barriers to difficulties both in your personal life and school life?

Thursday 2 February 2012

Rough Plan

What am I trying to achieve in this short documentary?

I am trying to change the views of the stereotypical broken family and how if you are brought up in a broken home you can get somewhere in life. I am also trying to show that you should not judge anybody on appearance as you do not know about that person or how saying something will affect them.

What do I want the audience to feel/ gain from this documentary?

I want the audience to think about themselves and possibly change the way they think or view a broken family.
I would like the audience to gain some motivation to be able to do well on life no matter what background, family, difficulties, or religion they are from

How will I get the audience to feel/ gain something from this?

I will do this by asking a range of people a few questions, and then during editing I will weave the answers together into an almost motivational speech from the public. This will hopefully make people realise or see there life in a slightly different way even if it is for a short amount of time; they will hopefully feel better about themselves or what situation they are in, but at the same time they may be able to think about what people from a broken family have been through so they may feel sympathetic but also empathetic and this will hopefully create a small understanding so they will see the life they live as slightly better, or have a greater understanding of life and how to be the best that they can be.

Modes of Documentary

There are several modes of Documentary:
  • Poetic Documentary
 A poetic mode of documentary is when it is put together in a way that it is a poem, words may not rhyme and there can be a rhythm or melody in the background. It is common for it to have some sort of harmony, and the poetic video will be put together in a way that all the points and objectives are put across through visuals but also through a clever arrangement of words.
For example the following documentary is about life in Brixton but it is done in a way that it looks at all of the different racial communities and the social diversity but also how they all blend well, it also talks about how the different ages get on and work well together.

  • Expository Documentary 
  • Observational Documentary
  • Reflective Documentary
  • Performative Documentary