Thursday 2 February 2012

Rough Plan

What am I trying to achieve in this short documentary?

I am trying to change the views of the stereotypical broken family and how if you are brought up in a broken home you can get somewhere in life. I am also trying to show that you should not judge anybody on appearance as you do not know about that person or how saying something will affect them.

What do I want the audience to feel/ gain from this documentary?

I want the audience to think about themselves and possibly change the way they think or view a broken family.
I would like the audience to gain some motivation to be able to do well on life no matter what background, family, difficulties, or religion they are from

How will I get the audience to feel/ gain something from this?

I will do this by asking a range of people a few questions, and then during editing I will weave the answers together into an almost motivational speech from the public. This will hopefully make people realise or see there life in a slightly different way even if it is for a short amount of time; they will hopefully feel better about themselves or what situation they are in, but at the same time they may be able to think about what people from a broken family have been through so they may feel sympathetic but also empathetic and this will hopefully create a small understanding so they will see the life they live as slightly better, or have a greater understanding of life and how to be the best that they can be.

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