Thursday 1 March 2012

One word- Short Phrases

Below is a few words and phrases that I am considering showing in a similar style as the Innocence video (post below)

Over Protective- Is it because I lost someone very close to me at an age where I never quiet understood life?
-I don't want to lose the ones I love most through something that could have been prevented
Scared- I would cry myself to sleep at night
- I am more aware of my surroundings when in new surroundings.

Insecure- Is it because I was always moving areas as a child?
- I can now adapt to new surrounding easily.

Bubbly- Am I lying to myself?
- I have every reason to be cheerful

Caring- Do I worry too much?
-I want the people I care most about to have the best and be the best they can be

Happy- Is it all a cover up of my true feelings?
-No there is always someone worse of than me, Smile about what we have in the present.

Proud- I was cooking and cleaning the house from the age of 13
- I can now look after myself and have the experience to care for my own home

Motivated- I would stay longer at school to stay away from home life
- I am now achieving top grades and doing what I love most

Negative- with positive outcome
Positive- with emotion/ experience

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